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Find out how to Profit from Your HGV Job Applications

Even at a busy time of year where demand for truckers is high, it may be difficult to get your model HGV driver position. Are you presently trying to get HGV driving work and not gettng any positive answers? Continue reading for some useful tips on how to make the most of your applications.

Tip One - Make Sure You Have the Right Qualifications

To be a Heavy goods vehicle driver in the United Kingdom, you will have to have one of numerous certifications, depending upon the job you apply for. A category C1 license is the brand new HGV class 3 license and permits a driver to operate a truck with a highest weight of 7,500 kilos. The C1 E permit permits exactly the same but with a trailer attached of over 750 kgs, but that is less than the total unladen weight of the vehicle. Category C is the new Heavy goods vehicle Class 2, allowing the driver to operate any LGV with a trailer up to 750 kgs. Category C E is the new Class 1 Permit and enables the driver to operate any large goods vehicle with a trailer of a mass of more than 750 kgs.

Tip Two - Think About Your Work Preferences

Many Heavy goods vehicle drivers will be expected to travel all over the country and even in foreign countries. Consider whether these working conditions are going to go well with your other responsibilities. It may be more practical, for example, to look only for jobs that require you to carry out duties in your local area in the event you do not wish to stay away from your own home. Additionally you have to choose how many hours you wish to work weekly - are you presently trying to find a full time, part time or zero hours deal?

Tip Three - Improve the CV

If you have not sent applications for a job for quite some time, you might discover that you should improve your CV. Ensure that your CV is a detailed representation of your work history and that you also have reasons for any gaps in employment. Look into the CV systematically for spelling and grammar mistakes - it helps to read it out loud or to ask someone else to check it out for you.


Making use of these tips will make is easier for you to get a HGV driving job that satisfies your requirements in very little time at all. Best of luck! This page maintains numerous immediate class 1 work .